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The oil industry
is the main guide in Atyrau region and the leading industry in Kazakhstan’s economic system. Apparently history of development of oil and gas infrastructure directly relates to development of engineering services for the industry.
History of company`s creation
SRDI “Caspiymunaygas” JSC starts back in 1940. Our company has become a proximate successor of the first design company in oil and gas industry of the country, created as a design subdivision of “Embaneftproject”, which was established in accordance with the Order of Trust “Kazakhstannefterproduct”.
These dry figures with dates reveal 80-year history of our institute
The Company has undergone a number of reforms, reorganizations, expansions, consolidations and splittings during these years. Several generations of scientific workers, engineers and surveyors have changed. We have passed the way from sliding rules to powerful computers with modern CAD software.
Only one thing has not changed – committed, creative attitude of our specialists to work, reliability and constancy, responsibility, professionalism and commitment to produce a high-quality design product.

“Embaneftproject” has been transformed into “Giprokazneft” Institute (Order of the Minister of Oil Industry of the USSR)
“Giprokazneft” Institute has been transformed into Kazakh State Scientific Research and Design Institute“KazNIPIneft”
Guriev Branch of KazNIPIneft was created on the basis of Design Division of KazNIPIneft Institute .
Establishment of Independent Caspian State Scientific Research and Design Institute“Caspiymunaygas” was created on the basis of Atyrau Branch of “KazNIPIneft” (by the Order of the Minister of Oil and Gas Industry in the RoK)
the Institute was reorganized into Open Joint Stock Company with 100% state-owned stake in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Decree of the RoK Government)