Zaidullayevna Kuzhagaliyeva

Ella Zaidullayevna Kuzhagaliyeva has 28 years of experience in legal activity.

Starting her work as a lawyer in the justice authorities of the Atyrau region, she continued working in the banking sector and then in various economic entities, including service entities of oil and gas and construction industries. In 2015 she completed an internship at a private-sector notary, in order to improve her general qualifications and expand the boundaries of her legal activities. She has broad experience in court practice. In her activities she is guided by the principles of the rule of law, independence, humanity and competence. Since 2016, she has been working as the Head of Legal Department at “SRDI “Caspiymunaigas” JSC, combining her direct professional activity with the membership in the Management Board of this company.

For her contribution to oil and gas and energy complex development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ella Zaidullayevna was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the KAZENERGY Association, and she was also issued a state license for notary activity and a certificate on training in the mediator training program.

Design documentation approval process:

•Preparation of terms of reference
•Obtaining optimal technical conditions for connecting the facility to utility system
•Obtaining an Architectural and Planning assignment in the Department of Architecture and Urban Development 
•Carrying out of public hearings
•Approval of motor road projects with the Policy Department
•Approval of projects in Water resources inspection
•Approval of design solutions in the Department of Industrial Safety
•Development and expertise of Declarations of industrial safety with obtainment of registration numbers
•Carrying out of Energy expertise
•Preparation of traffic diagram with indication of material delivery points.
•Approval of a Plot plan with the Chief Architect
• Analysis of detailed documentation for compliance with standards in the field of architecture and construction, environmental protection and sanitary-epidemiological welfare
•Uploading of design documentation to the web-portal of Comprehensive extradepartmental expertise
•Work with experts, solving the arising issues, approval of technical and economic indicators
•Obtaining a positive expertise conclusion
•Obtaining an environmental emission permit
•Obtaining a coupon for commencement of construction and assembly works.